Live Healthy, Be Happy!

Embracing the Nomadic Life with Lori Saitz

Lori Saitz from Zen Rabbit shares her nomadic lifestyle, embracing adventure and growth, and living life as an experiment.

When Lori Seitz decided to swap her stable life for one on the road, she wasn't just shaking up her routine; she was completely reinventing her existence.

Uncle Marv and Lori begin by discussing Lori's podcast, "Fine is a Four-Letter Word," where they explore the idea that people often say they're "fine" when they're not. Lori explains that she decided to give up her apartment in Northern Virginia and embrace a nomadic lifestyle, primarily house-sitting for others, particularly cat owners. She cites the rising rent in her area and the recent loss of her own cats as the main factors that inspired this change. 

Lori describes the fluidity of her schedule, as she books house-sitting gigs in different locations, often with gaps in between that require her to stay in hotels or Airbnbs. She acknowledges that this uncertainty can be challenging, as she has to research each potential accommodation to ensure it is clean, safe, and affordable. However, Lori views this as an adventure and an opportunity for growth, trusting that everything will work out as it's supposed to. 

The conversation takes an interesting turn when Lori recounts a recent incident where her car experienced brake issues while she was driving in Wilmington, North Carolina. Despite the unexpected $1,900 repair bill, Lori maintains a positive outlook, focusing on the fact that the situation could have been much worse and that she was able to get the car fixed in time to make it to her next house-sitting gig. This leads to a discussion about the importance of cultivating gratitude, even in the face of challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lori embraced a nomadic lifestyle, giving up her apartment and primarily house-sitting for others, particularly cat owners.
  • She views this as an adventure and an opportunity for growth, despite the challenges of uncertainty and the need to constantly research accommodations.
  • Lori maintains a positive outlook, focusing on gratitude and the belief that everything will work out as it's supposed to, even in the face of unexpected setbacks.
  • The importance of cultivating gratitude, even in the midst of complaints or criticism, is a key theme throughout the conversation.

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Lori Saitz


Lori Saitz is the founder and CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “Fine is a 4-Letter Word.” An award-winning author, speaker, and broadcaster, Lori is on a mission to teach the world to be calm and grounded no matter what’s going on.
High achievers come to her because they have a strong drive to be productive, but at the end of the day never feel accomplished enough. As a nationally recognized gratitude and meditation expert, Lori guides those entrepreneurs and business leaders from stressed and chaotic to peaceful and focused and shows them how to live a sabbatical life. Then they start seeing sales increase, relationships strengthen, and overall health improve.
In August 2022, Lori took a month-long sabbatical road trip with her 19-year-old cat. You can often find Lori in her sanctuary, aka the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music.